
Donations Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
General Donations Yes Yes Yes
Donations towards specific goals Yes Yes Yes
Ask for additional donation during checkout Yes Yes Yes
Fund-a-Need Yes Yes Yes
Ticketing Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
Custom Tickets Yes Yes Yes
Custom Questions During Checkout Yes Yes Yes
Grouped Tickets Yes Yes Yes
Auctions Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
Silent Auctions Yes Yes Yes
Live Auctions Yes Yes Yes
Live Virtual Events Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
YouTube Live Integration Yes Yes Yes
Vimeo Livestream Integration Yes Yes Yes
Raffles Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
Sell Raffle Tickets Yes Yes Yes
Ecommerce Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
Sell multiple items Yes Yes Yes
Add Shipping Fees and Additional Fees Yes Yes Yes
Other Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
Automated Tax Receipting Yes Yes Yes
Comprehensive Reporting Yes Yes Yes
Automated Thank You Messages Yes Yes Yes
Donor and Attendee Messaging Yes Yes Yes
Social Sharing Yes Yes Yes
Check-in App Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Payouts Yes Yes Yes

Human to Human Support™

Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
In-app Chat Yes Yes Yes
Help Desk Yes Yes Yes
Group Onboarding No Yes Yes
Live Support Drop-in No Yes Yes
1-on-1 Onboarding No No Yes
Check-in Meeting No No Yes
Post Fundraiser Debrief No No Yes
Day of Event Support No No Yes
After Hours Support No No Yes
Dial-in Support No No Yes

Pricing Plans

The more you raise, the more you save

Free Plan Starter Plan Pro Plan
Starting at 3.5% Yes No No
Starting at 2.5% *After $50,000 - $150,000 Yes No
Starting at 1.5% *After $150,000 *After $150,000 Yes
2.45% + $0.30 Stripe Fee Yes Yes Yes

Free Virtual Event Resource Guide

  • How to successfully host your own virtual fundraising gala
  • What elements to include in your event, and how to create a seamless experience for guests
  • The best tools and technology to run a successful virtual event
Get the Guide
Free Virtual Events Resource Guide