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We all have that cause we care about. You know that one that excites you, ignites a passion inside you, and keeps drawing you back.

You want to learn more, do more, donate more.

Well turns out it’s easier than you think to get started. We’ve got our top three ways to make an impact in your community, and as you can see it’s pretty simple! 


talk about it

Actually though! That’s where it starts! Talk to your network and build awareness. 

In a world of social platforms, where it’s easy to send texts or share our thoughts, why not try starting there to build awareness for your favourite causes? Sometimes a simple post gets way more attention and awareness than we could ever imagine.


build a campaign in under 5 minutes to give to the cause you care about


Your friends and family are now aware of your cause, so what’s next? Why don’t you set up a fundraising page, and they can donate to your cause right away!

Ultimate impact for your cause – instantly. It doesn’t get better than that.

Curious how you can set up a sweet fundraising page in under 5 minutes? Watch a quick video here!


plan a fundraising event

Okay before you get scared, this can actually be easier than you think, trust us. 

Fundraisers don’t have to be a fancy gala, or a big event with 2000 of your closest friends (although those are amazing!), they could just be an open house, a cozy potluck with friends, a 5km walk, or a mini-game tournament in your local park! 

Honestly, anything goes, so pick something you love and you know your friends will love it too!

It’s also really easy to start a fundraiser, click here to get started.


You know all those amazing movements that you hear about, where communities are transformed and countless people are helped? Well, lots of those movements are started with just an idea. Usually nothing fancy, just a thought as you’re falling asleep or a napkin scribble at a restaurant.

And from there they grow.

Into something unexplainable, into an entire community of do-gooders enhancing a collective movement.

(Don’t believe us? Check out this story!)


So, what do you say? Ready to start your movement?